Metris Services


With 20 years forecasting experience Metris frost forecasts are regarded as the best in the business. Be prepared with Metris Frost Forecasts and Alarms. READ

  • Need more certainty when calling up helicopters?
  • Need to prepare your frost fighting equipment?
  • Need a phone call to get you out of bed?

We offer:

  • Precision frost forecasts covering over 80 growing areas in New Zealand.
  • Near real-time frost alarms, with phone call, txt and SMS capability.
  • Virtual frost lights and charts on your phone, tablet or computer with our sophisticated mapping capability


Our daily application tailored products offer unparalleled weather insight, to help you plan your crop protection measures. Stay Ahead of the Weather with Metris. READ


Metris hour-by-hour spray condition forecasts are tailored to your orchard and indicate when conditions are likely to be good for the next three days.


With sophisticated disease models for apples, grapes and summer fruit, you really can stay ahead of your crop protection, while saving thousands of dollars in unnecessary spray application and help you control your spray drift.

Stay Ahead of the weather and get your protective cover on at the right time, in the right conditions while saving money with Metris Forecasting.


Metris have invested in the latest wireless technologies to bring you real-time weather data at a fraction of the cost. Save now with no upfront or service costs. READ

  • Need more certainty when calling up helicopters?
  • Need your spray operator to have information at their fingertips?
  • Need a phone call to get you out of bed?
  • Need on-orchard disease modelling?

Need information on:

  • Frost alerts?
  • Wind alerts or compliance?
  • Chill units?
  • Growing Degree Days?
  • Solar Irradiance?

From individual sensors to full weather stations, we have
a weather monitoring solution for every budget.


Pre-planting frost and weather risk analysis, historical weather data review, WRF modelling and expert witness work. Put 25 years experience to work with Metris. READ

Our services include

  • Advice for new plantings around frost risk.
  • Wind risk assessments for structures.
  • Government and energy sector measurement consulting.
  • Weather data for commodity trading.
  • Weather data provision for engineering consultants.
  • Weather station network design and maintenance.

If you want reliable, independent data contact Metris today.

About Metris

Weather services in horticulture, agriculture and industry for over 20 years.

Our goal is to provide fast, accurate data in an easy to read format to help you to reduce weather risk and plan your day and your week.

Our ability to provide integrated forecasting, measurement and seasonal climate reports means we can deliver more value from your weather.

We provide real-time and forecast alarms for frost, wind, rain and temperature. We also provide APIs for weather forecasts and measurement for third-party app and website developers.

We offer weather advice services to help you plan new horticulture developments.

Benefits for our Clients

Metris serves a diverse client base from small family orchardists to large multinational clients.  Our long range forecasts help our clients make long-term plans for the season, while our disease models and frost alerts help with fruit-loss control.

Our government and industrial clients rely our forecasts and measurements to plan out a range of activities from local council weed control through to large scale concrete pouring, dust mitigation and electricity generation.


  • Daily crop specific forecasts for apple and stonefruit.
  • Decision support for chemical thinning.
  • Blackspot and brownrot risk forecasting and infection period modeling.
  • Spray window forecast.
  • Frost fighting decision support.


  • Daily crop specific forecasts for grapes.
  • Botrytis risk forecasting and infection period modeling.
  • Spray window forecast.
  • Frost fighting decision support.
  • Remote rain gauges and leaf wetness sensors for moisure management.


  • Long range weather forecasting.
  • Remote rain gauges and weather stations.
  • Weekly, monthly and seasonal weather summaries.
  • PET measurements and forecasts
  • Spray condition modelling.


  • Long range weather forecasting.
  • Remote rain gauges and weather stations.
  • Weekly, monthly and seasonal weather summaries.
  • PET measurements and forecasts
  • Spray condition modeling.


  • Weather consulting and risk forecasting for the construction indusrty.
  • Wind modelling and measurement.
  • Rain alerts for sediment ponds and flooding.
  • Long range weather forecasting.
  • Weather related consent support.


  • Wind alerts for dust control
  • Rain alerts for sediment ponds and flooding.
  • Weather consulting and risk forecasting for the mining indsutry.
  • Long range weather forecasting.
  • Weather related consent support.

Meet the Experts

Dr Mark Bart leads the Metris team.

Mark is a scientist with many years experience in NZ and around the world in weather measurement, atmospheric science, consulting and cloud computing.
Mr Paul Heaps has been servicing the industry for over 20 years. 

With a keen eye for detail, the Metris sales and service manager can help you with weather station selection quotes, maintenance and installation.

Contact Us

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Weather Outlook

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Call Metris on: 0800 372 433


Metris is proud to be part of a network of innovative New Zealand companies helping New Zealand growers.